medical insurance


International medical insurance

CrewSecure designs international health insurance plans to meet the specific needs of professional marine crew members.

Our plans are available for groups and individuals, for yacht crew and seafarers of all nationalities. They offer flexible, worldwide, year round and 24/7 coverage. All members are covered offshore, onshore, while working as well as in their leisure time.

Depending on the type of vessel the plan acts primary to the vessel’s Protection& Indemnity insurance, (P & I). Indeed, the P & I insurance does not provide the comprehensive illness coverage required by the MLC 2006 and it is in the ship owner’s or ship manager’s best interest to offer private health insurance for the crew. It reduces the liability, and has a positive impact on the P & I insurance, since medical claims will be filed directly to the health insurance company.

Each plan is specifically tailored for a particular client. CrewSecure works with first class Insurance Companies and Assistance Companies and we pay close attention to providing the utmost in claims management services and administration support.

CrewSecure also aim at providing very affordable plans which is made possible thanks to our large client base and purchase volumes.

To learn more about CrewSecure international health insurance solutions please call us directly and immediately at +33 (0)9 70 40 50 73 (Paris time) or send us an email at